Collecting member boxes

Membership taken out before 1 March 2020? Then get your free Paradise Member Tea in the Surfers Paradise clubhouse. Ask the crew about it!

Material members

Kite-talises The kite-talises for attaching to your harness have arrived, albeit with some delay due to the corona crisis. All kite surfing members are requested to collect these at their first visit to surfers paradise, we will gladly attach them to your harness. This talis is the proof of your kite-membership with its compulsory membership and ... Read more

Rental and water sports courses allowed!

Kite Surfers Paradise

After we were allowed to start renting out water sports equipment from 11 May, we are now also allowed to give water sports lessons from 18 May. This means that from now on everybody can register for kite-, surf-, windsurf-, skim- and boogieboardlessons, and that everybody who doesn't need lessons anymore, but who does need material, can also come and do water sports! NEW ... Read more

Announcement of quiz winners and answers

Aloha Paradise Quizzers, The winners of our Surfers Paradise & Lakeside Paradise Quiz have been announced! Who will win a BBQ for 2 at Surfers Paradise and a Chicken on the Spit night for 2 at Lakeside Paradise? ....Trump.... Answers Surfers Paradise Quiz: The tower of Surfers Paradise is 9 metres We call the statue ... Read more

New water sport anno 2020: the E-FOIL!

Those who thought that no new water sports would emerge this summer because of the corona virus are wrong, because already at the end of last year the first E-Foilboard was presented for testing at Surfers Paradise. After years of testing, the producers hope to surprise the world this summer. This ... Read more

#Safestart @ Surfers Paradise Dear members of Surfers and Lakeside Paradise, We are going for it! As promised, last minute news regarding the opening of both paradises following phase 1 corona exit strategy. This phase runs from 4 to 10 May. As of May 11, new guidelines can follow. Both paradises are accessible for members who come to do water sports because: ... Read more

Corona measures closed until 03/04

The measures imposed in the fight against the Corona Virus also apply to Surfers Paradise & Lakeside Paradise. We will therefore be closed until further notice. An evaluation will follow at the end of March/beginning of April. We will keep you informed! We will not sit still and welcome you in a healthy environment during our Paradise Days and SUPtours! Eneco clean ... Read more